Welcome to NAHOThe National Association of Hearing Officials, Inc., is a professional nonprofit organization formed in 1987 comprised of individuals involved in the process of administrative adjudication. The twelve-member Board of Directors is elected by NAHO's membership and represents all sections of the country and a variety of administrative jurisdictions. NAHO does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, political affiliation, gender, gender expression, age, national origin/ethnicity, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of its activities or operations. NAHO's membership reflects racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. 2025 NAHO MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Professional Development Conferences: NAHO's 2025 Annual Professional Development Conference will be held in person, December 2, 3, and 4 in San Antonio, Texas. Two to three different class sessions will be offered for each hour of the conference, with almost forty hours of CLE-quality class from which to choose. Completion of the entire conference would garner 17 hours of continuing legal education credits. NAHO offers one Virtual Mini-Conference each year offering three hours of continuing legal education classes. View past conference brochures and classes offered here or at the Professional Development tab above. Certification: NAHO is the only national organization of administrative hearing officials which has a certification program for Administrative Law Judges and Hearing Officers. Upon successful completion of the educational and professional requirements and approval by the NAHO Board, a three-year certification is granted which can be renewed simply by keeping current on training in administrative adjudication. Webinars: NAHO will provide four to six free one-hour continuing legal education webinars to its members during 2025. NAHO's CLE webinars are always held on the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, 12:00 p.m. Central, 11:00 a.m. Mountain, and 10:00 a.m. Pacific to make it convenient for members to schedule their ongoing CLE classes around their dockets. On-Demand Instruction: NAHO maintains a library of videos recorded from Professional Development Conferences and Webinars, which can be accessed by members online for a small fee. Viewing NAHO videos may also qualify for education credits toward NAHO certification and for self-study CLE credits in some states. Customized Group Training: An agency may request customized training for their member-adjudicators in a particular area of administrative law or on specialized subjects. This training may be held virtually or on-site. The NAHO News: NAHO Notes (bimonthly) and longer NAHO's periodic newsletter keeps members informed about NAHO's activities and upcoming events. Members are encouraged to contribute articles of interest to administrative adjudicators. Social Media Presence: Members can connect with NAHO by following NAHO on Facebook, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn. NAHO Merchandise: Merchandise with the NAHO logo has long been available to members attending its in-person conferences. It will soon be available via the NAHO website. NAHO-logoed items include t-shirts, caps, padfolios, lapel pins, and face masks. Personalized, monogrammed NAHO items are available by special order. Networking: NAHO Members can join a Section at no extra charge and access the email address of other members who conduct the same or similar types of hearings. Virtual NAHO Section meetings are held periodically where members can connect with other members in their section or join in on other sections. | Renew Your 2025 Membership or Join Today! Paid 1 year renewal by January 31, 2025 - $15 On Demand credit Paid 3 year renewal by March 1, 2025 - $30 On-Demand credit Groups? Or need more info? Please contact your Regional Representative or Marilyn Slifman. New Members join HERE! NAHO Conferences
San Antonio, Texas in December is a magical blend of history, holiday cheer, and culinary delights. Enjoy mild weather with highs around 63°F as you explore the city’s twinkling holiday lights, iconic landmarks like the Alamo, and the festive River Walk. Savor diverse flavors, from classic Tex-Mex and smoky BBQ to international cuisine. With its rich culture and seasonal charm, it's no wonder San Antonio is the most visited city in Texas!
The Alamo: Step back into history with a visit to one of the most iconic landmarks in Texas. The Alamo is a must-see for culture and history enthusiasts. River Walk: Experience the magic of the River Walk adorned with festive lights in December. Enjoy a serene stroll or a boat ride while soaking in the vibrant energy of the city. River Walk
2024 Conference Materials are Still Available! Instructional Materials are located under the Members section, Conference & Webinar Materials page. Members must login and download from here. Non-members who attended the conference may reach out to Bobbie Marshall for assistance. Download the Conference Brochure HERE. Download the Conference Schedule HERE. Download the Faculty Brochure HERE. | Webinars for 2025 Current NAHO members may attend monthly webinars free of charge but advance registration is required. Webinars are 60 minutes and are scheduled on the 3rd Thursday of the month at: 1:00 p.m. Eastern 12:00 p.m. Central 11:00 a.m. Mountain 10:00 a.m. Pacific 9:00 a.m. Alaska 7:00 a.m. Hawaii There is a $30 fee per webinar for each non-member attending. Next Webinar: March 20, 2025 Delivering Procedural Fairness in Hearings Involving Self-Represented Litigants (M) Class description: Is it possible to conduct hearings that provide all the due process that the law requires yet leaves self-represented petitioners feeling as if the hearing was not fair to them? Yes. It happens every day. We’ve not accomplished the goal of providing a fair hearing unless the parties leave the hearing believing that they were heard and were treated fairly. This class provides detailed best practices for providing hearings that are perceived as procedurally fair, plus additional tips on developing the record in hearings involving self-represented litigants. Instructors: Toni Boone, Administrative Law Judge (retired) Prior to her retirement, Judge Boone served 18 years as an administrative adjudicator in Arkansas and 13 years as an administrative law judge in Nevada, presiding over thousands of hearings. She was asked to join the faculty of the National Judicial College (NJC) in 2001 and has taught in over 200 different NJC courses in her 25-year tenure. She was awarded NJC’s Payant Award for Teaching Excellence in 2019. She became involved in NAHO in 2009, and has served as a Regional Representative, Vice-President, President, and now chairs the Conference Committee. She is passionate about helping administrative adjudicators be the best that they can be because she believes that they will happiest in their careers if they’re confident in their ability to do their best work. W. Michael (Mick) Gillette, Associate Justice Oregon Supreme Court (retired) Constitutional and Administrative Law Specialist Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, Portland, OR Justice Gillette holds a J.D. from Harvard and a B.A., cum laude, from Whitman College. He was Solicitor General for Oregon serving as counsel for state administrative agencies before state and federal appellate courts. He served 33 years as an appellate judge, including 25 years on the Oregon Supreme Court. He has taught constitutional law and administrative law at two law schools and has taught administrative law judges at the National Judicial College (NJC) for 45 years, receiving NJC’s Payant Award for Teaching Excellence in 2006. He began providing instruction for NAHO in 2009 and is a frequent presenter at NAHO webinars and professional development conferences. When he isn’t practicing law, he sometimes serves as a hearing officer for the Oregon State Activities Association. ![]() CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Upcoming Events Webinar: The Importance of Civility