National Association of Hearing Officials

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  • December 21, 2016 1:57 PM | Deleted user

    Eric G. Moody (ID), Western Regional Representative

    Eric Moody, longtime NAHO Board member and Chairman of the Membership Committee, died unexpectedly at home in Eagle, Idaho on Sunday, December 18. Eric was not only a Board member and committee chair, he was an effective and valued presenter at conferences, often sharing his insights on handling high volume hearings. Eric was also one of those essential people NAHO always counted on to do whatever was needed to assure the success of a NAHO project or conference, whether it was helping stuff registration folders, sitting at the registration desk to greet attendees at the annual conference or selling NAHO t-shirts and caps, Eric was that special person who did what had to be done without fanfare or  attention. Eric leaves his wife Kim and a son.

    While other NAHO members may take on the tasks that were formerly performed by Eric, his unique combination of willingness, work ethic, good humor and enthusiasm cannot be replaced and will never be forgotten.

    May he rest in peace.

  • September 02, 2016 11:25 AM | Deleted user

    NAHO congratulates Judge Eileen Bishop (Florida), Judge Diane C. Henry (South Carolina), and Judge Vernon L. Howell, III (Florida) on their recertification as Certified Hearing Officials. 

    Judges Bishop and Howell both serve as Program Managers for the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Judge Henry serves as a Hearing Officer for the South Carolina Department of Social Services. 

    Recertification demonstrates these judges’ commitment to professional development and excellence in administrative hearings.

  • July 16, 2016 3:08 PM | Anonymous

    The following library titles are now available for viewing on line through Vimeo.

    2003-02 Evaluating Evidence

    2003-03 History of Administrative Due Process

    2003-04 Judicial Decision Making: Subjective, Objective or Both?

    2003-05 Justice vs. Prejudice and You

    2003-06 Recent Developments in Administrative Law

    2005-01 Controlling Disruptions in the Hearing

    2005-02 Due Process: When Is Judicial Review Required?

    2005-03 Elder Law: How Does It Affect Hearing Officials?

    2005-04 Evidence Basics for Hearing Officials

    2005-06 High Volume Hearings

    2005-07 Doing Justice in Small Ways

    2005-08 Atmospheric Conditions Affecting Administrative Hearings

    2007-01 Ensuring Unbiased Administrative Hearings

    2007-02 Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions

    2008-01 History and Evolution of Administrative Law

    2008-03 Judicial Ethics for Hearing Officials

    2009-01 Researching Administrative Law

    2009-02 Docket Management

    2010-01 Is This A Circus or An Administrative Hearing?

    2010-03 Dealing Effectively With The Pro Se Litigant

    2010-04 A Culture of Respect

    2011-01 Legal Research

    2011-03 Nuts & Bolts Look at Due Process

    2012-01 Alternative Dispute Resolution

    2012-02 Writing Skills

    2012-03 Advanced Evidence

    If you wish to rent these titles, please send a Library Loan Request to the Librarian at  Regular viewing rates apply.

  • June 18, 2016 10:49 AM | Deleted user

    NAHO congratulates Judge Welton L. Lilly (Maryland), Judge Wade J. Blair (Maryland), Judge Rachel A. Thompson (Maryland), and Judge Deon R. Wilform (South Carolina) on becoming Certified Hearing Officials.

    Judges Lilly, Welton, and Blair all are hearing officials in Maryland public school districts. Judge Wilform is a Hearing Officer in the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardons. All four have satisfied NAHO's rigorous certification criteria.

    Becoming a Certified Hearing Official or Certified Administrative Law Judge is a nationally-recognized hallmark of excellence and professionalism.

    To learn more about NAHO's certification program, click here.

  • May 09, 2016 11:18 AM | Deleted user

    The May 2016 NAHO Newsletter is now available for download. Get your copy here! You can also see all of NAHO's newsletters in the archive.

  • February 17, 2016 9:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    More coming soon!
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